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together是什么意思 together是什么

时间:2020-06-04 18:48:01


  相信精通英文的人对“together”这个词汇是非常了解的,它的解释、用法分为很多种,就看你怎么运用了。那么,接下来,小编就带大家了解下“together是什么意思 together是什么”吧!

together是什么意思 together是什么

together是什么意思 together是什么

  together是什么意思 together是什么




  let's join hands and struggle together.咱们携起手来斗共同争。

  let us rejoice together on your success.让我们共同庆祝你的成功。

  they lived together as husband and wife for years.他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年。

  they traveled together.他们一起旅游。

  we will consult together about her education.我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。

  the lights flickering ahead of her merged together.她前面的灯光融合到了一起。

  i am glad we have come together at last.很高兴我们终于取得了一致。

together是什么意思 together是什么

together是什么意思 together是什么

  the committee finally got together on the proposal.委员会对该项建议终于取得了一致意见。

  she sat for hours together just starring into the space.她连续几个小时坐在那里怔怔地望着远方。

  he's incredibly together for someone so young.他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。

  they were knocking around together for about a year 他们交往大概有一年了。

  they're trying their best to bring together those separated families 他们正尽最大的努力让离散的家人重聚。

  you can cobble it together from any old combination of garments 把以前的衣服随便搭配一下就能拼凑出一套。

  they attended college together at the university of pennsylvania 他们一起就读于宾夕法尼亚大学。

  my husband is constantly thrown together with young people through his work 我丈夫由于工作关系经常遇到年轻人。

  find bernie and get him to knock an agreement together 找到伯尼,让他尽快拟好一份协议。

  it's possible the congress party will scrape together a majority 国大党可能会勉强获得多数票。

  they usually hung around together most of the time 大多数时间他们通常都泡在一起。

  he moved around the room, putting his possessions together 他在屋里走来走去,忙着把自己的东西放在一起。

  all together there are six new faces in the cabinet 内阁现在共有6张新面孔。

  we'll put together a proposal, including detailed costings, free of charge 我们将免费拟一份提案,其中包括详细的成本估算。

  i wanted to spend sundays holed up together in our flat 我希望可以一起窝在我们的公寓里度过每个周日。

  let me now pull together the threads of my argument 现在让我来将我的论点串起来。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“together是什么意思 together是什么”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


