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warehouse是什么意思 warehouse是什么

时间:2020-06-01 20:54:01


  warehouse是什么意思 warehouse是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么warehouse是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  warehouse 基本解释

  名词仓库,货栈; 批发商店; 福利库

  及物动词把…放入或存入仓库; 把…存入保税仓库; 不良安置

  warehouse 相关例句


  1. the boxes are stacked in awarehouse.

warehouse是什么意思 warehouse是什么

warehouse是什么意思 warehouse是什么


  warehouse 网络解释

  1. 库房:讨论了由一个加工车间(workshop)和一个库房(warehouse)组成的生产-库存系统,用排队理论得到了刻画系统的马尔可夫过程的无穷小生成元,并用此确定了系统的最优控制变量的近似算法.

  2. 货仓:the mini storage公司是专业的储存专家,其产品有迷你仓(mini storage),货仓(warehouse),自存仓(self storage)和boxstorage等,可用於文件储存、资料夹储存、红酒储存、杂物储存等.

  warehouse 双语例句

  1. to control and cooperate with thewarehousepeople and prepare the daily delivering goods in advance according to delivery order.


  2. factory from the start of production in 1984 on military supplies metalwarehousedoors and windows sealed moisture-proof, in this twenty years, my factory continuous product development transformation, developed a mechanical locks, metal fire doors closed windows, metal doors and windows sealed insulation, especially in confined metal fire doors and windows do at henan shan oil storage destructive tests carried out have been the general logistics department to promote fuel system.


  3. then this paper introduces a new algorithm 3vwq (three version without quiescing) under the architecture to support on line maintenance and drill down query in datawarehouseenvironment.

warehouse是什么意思 warehouse是什么

warehouse是什么意思 warehouse是什么

  在此基础上,提出了3vwq(three-version withoutquiescing)算法来解决数据仓库的联机维护问题及其对下查的支持。

  4. prevention of transmission block in materialwarehouse.


  5. to make space reservation to shipping line/air line/shipping agent.4, before the shipment, arrange qc to inspect the goods, control cargo in-and-out of thewarehouse, arrange inland haulage and custom declaration documents.5, prepare the b/l and all set of import-export documents including s/i, packing list, invoice, c/o, embassy authorization letter etc…scrutinize whole set of doc to make sure accordance to terms of t/t, l/c, d/p or d/a.6, in charge of import-export documents delivery no matter sending through courier to client or submitting to the bank.7, follow-ups of cargo tracing after shipping, to make sure the shipment would not be delayed.8, regularly prepare logistics report, sending to ****sea clients or sales on time.


  上文就关于warehouse是什么意思 warehouse是什么的相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。


