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批复是什么意思 批复是什么

时间:2020-05-31 13:11:02


  批复是什么意思 批复是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么批复是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  批复 基本解释

  批复[pī fù]

  词典give an official, written reply to a subordinate body

  批复 汉英大词典

  批复[pī fù]

  give an official, written reply to a subordinate body

  批复 网络解释

  1. rescriptum:至于批复(rescriptum)是他对于官吏或个人提出的法律疑问所作的解答,事前经有著名法学家参加的御前会议审议,对官吏以书翰(epistula)答疑,必要时得令将书翰公布,对个人就在申请书上写下批复.

批复是什么意思 批复是什么

批复是什么意思 批复是什么

  2. reply:答复 reply |批复reply | 打官司 initiate legal proceeding

  3. westbank reply:律师行业 westbank the practice of law |批复westbank reply | 缺乏后劲 westbank unsustainable momentum

  4. ann-approved:(14)pun-遗留事项清单 | 1、ann-approved批复| 2、anr-approval noted resubmit批示重送

  批复 双语例句

  1. 根据设计师的设计方向和掌控颜色发展趋势,负责批复设计的色样,手织样和印花样,并跟踪样卡的提交和批复。

  under the direction of the design director and ****seeing the colorist, responsible for design driven lab dip, handloom and strike-off approvals and resubmit follow up.

  2. 职位简介:主要职责:1。负责鞋类大货的头、中、尾期的整体质量进行控制; 2。及时发现工厂生产中出现的问题,迅速做出应急处理并及时向总公司反映 3。负责鞋类大货的工艺要求,批复及检验; 4。负责鞋类大货的生产进度。职位要求:1。大学以上学历,。。。收藏

  next horizon company limited is seeking to establish itself as a leading firm in the outsourcing market, servicing companies who want to access high-quality, cost-efficient business process outsourcing capabilities...

  3. 此外,第一类项目中的三种土地也将被否定:即已取得计划和规划批准文件但一个有效一个过期的;已取得计划和规划批准文件但需征地而未取得征地批复的;国家严格控制的项目如别墅类等。

  in addition, one of the three categories of projects will be denied land: had made plans and planning documents of ratification but an effective one expired; has made plans and planning documents subject to the approval of the acquisition without obtaining land acquisition replied; if countries strictly control projects villa category.

批复是什么意思 批复是什么

批复是什么意思 批复是什么

  4. 该项目可行性研究报告已通过新郑市发展和**委员会的批复,本次工程拟建设空港六路、空港七路、飞跃路以及振兴北路共计四第公路,全长12km,工程总投资4000万元,占地面积580000平方米,设计绿化面积145000平方米,目前道路建设土地已由管委会征用,不需另外征地。

  the feasibility study report of this report has been approved by xinzheng development and reform committee. this project plans to establish no. 6 konggang road, no. 7 konggang road, feiyue road and zhenxing road, whose length totals 12 km. the total investment of the projects rmb40 million yuan. this project plans to c**** 580000m2 of land and 145000 m2 for green area. at present, the land for road construction has been appropriated by administrative committee and other land is not appropriated.

  5. 在收到总经理批复的购物申请之后,寻找和联系所需购买物品及原料的供应商

  locate and contract with suppliers for the purchase of goods and materials after receipt of requisitions with gm`s approval.

  6. 对在建的房改带危改项目,也须同时具备以下4个条件方可继续办理协议出让:同一项目建议书批复分期实施,已部分在施的;已取得项目建议书批复、规划批准文件并实施拆迁或核发拆迁许可证的;申请办理国有土地使用权出让时,项目建议书批复和至少一个规划批准文件均合法有效;申请办理国有土地使用权出让时,提交的项目建议书批复、规划批准文件主体一致;符合国家产业政策和供地政策。

  built in the housing reform project to rebuild and the need to have the following four conditions before continuing with the agreement transferring: phased implementation of the same project proposals replied, in part shi; project proposals have been made replied, planning documents of ratification and implementation of buildings or issuing demolition permits; application for the sale of state-owned land use right, project proposals replied and at least one planning approval documents are legitimate and effective; application for the sale of state-owned land use rights, the project proposals submitted replied, and the main planning document approved unanimously; to conform with the state's industrial policy and for policy.

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