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心驰神往是什么意思 心驰神往是什么

时间:2020-05-28 10:06:02


  心驰神往是什么意思 心驰神往是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么心驰神往是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  心驰神往 基本解释

  心驰神往[xīn chí shén wǎng]

  词典feel excited:心荡神驰;心驰神往。


  词典have a deep longing for:心驰神往。

  心驰神往 汉英大词典

  心驰神往[xīn chí shén wǎng]

  feel excited; (let) one's thoughts fly to (a place or a person); have a deep longing for

心驰神往是什么意思 心驰神往是什么

心驰神往是什么意思 心驰神往是什么

  心驰神往 网络解释

  1. heart s quest:13、她穿越集市 she moved thru the fair | 14、心驰神往heart s quest | 15、和我在一起 come carry me

  2. heart's request:10 残冬 winter's end | 11心驰神往heart's request | 12 蓝玫瑰 bright blue rose

  3. be carried away:shanghai museum 上海博物馆 | be carried away心驰神往| make somebody gasp 令人驻足屏息

  心驰神往 双语例句

  1. 三国。龙凤呈祥》不仅在台词和剧本上面下功夫,演员服装、舞台设计等等也都美轮美奂、匠心独具,在舞台上再现了坐落在长江入海口的城市镇**美丽景致,令人心驰神往。

  the three chengxiang dragon, not only in the lines above and the script, costumes, stage design etc are beautiful ornate, craftsmanship, represent the on the stage of the yangtze river estuary is located in the beautiful scenery of zhenjiang city, extase.

  2. 令人心驰神往!!!

  pure extase!!!

  3. 这种想法是一种执著。这意味著,受到外境的影响,心驰神往。

  what it means is that when people contact things, they get excited.


  gs, the only way to get there will be to prove yourself at merrill.

心驰神往是什么意思 心驰神往是什么

心驰神往是什么意思 心驰神往是什么

  5. 这一切的一切是那么的令人心驰神往。

  after months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives.

  6. 但是正是因为你的脱俗与清远才会让人心驰神往。

  however, it is just your exclusiveness and remoteness that draw people close to you.

  7. 想到那边的沙滩、海水、水果、海鲜就心驰神往。

  and also i know that it's a dead season in summer of hainan, the price of air fare and hostels is cheaper than in winter.

  8. 金华城自古为文化之邦,这里的教育从宋朝开始就声名远播了:丽泽书院、龙川书院、五峰书院、石洞书院、道一书院、说斋精舍让天下学子心驰神往。

  jinhua has been a city rich in culture from ancient times and its education has known to all from song dynasty. scholars all **** the country were fascinated by lize college, longchuan college, wufeng college, shidong college, daoyi college and shuozai academy.

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