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midas是什么意思 midas是什么

时间:2020-05-26 11:37:01


  midas是什么意思 midas是什么?当我们听到别人用英语跟你沟通的时候,如果你不懂的就会显得比较紧张。因为担心对方说你这么简单都不懂,那么midas是什么意思呢?今天我们就来快速为你解答。


  midas 基本解释

  abbr.missile detense alarm system 导弹防御警报系统

  midas 网络解释

  1. 全相昱:上届wcg世界总决赛前三名:崔然星(oov)、朴圣浚(july)、全相昱(midas)与kespa7月排名前3的马在允(ipx)、金泽龙(bisu)、李允烈(nada)6人直接进入wcg2007韩国区预选赛决赛阶段.

  2.midas:missile detense alarm system; 导弹防御警报系统

  3.midas:myoeardial infarction dimensional assessment scale; 心肌梗死多维度评估量表

  4.midas:mixed data structure; 混合数据结构

  5.midas:multiple index access system; 多变址访问系统

  midas 双语例句

midas是什么意思 midas是什么

midas是什么意思 midas是什么

  1. it's as if a jewish-street-fighting-silver-tongued- forrest gump- with- a -midas-touch- and- a- gift- for- gab...

  它犹如一个犹太人街头战斗银舌,阿甘与- 1 -米达斯接触和- 1 -礼品换瞎扯。。。

  2. thoughtless of money or the accumulation of material possessions, he is none the less defeated in the end by his own greed — a greed that makes the avarice of kingmidasseem paltry by comparison.


  3. through the survey of main diseases and structural damage of the duge bridge, we use the large-scale finite element analysis softwares midas2006 and ansys 11.0 to establish the finite element model, which included the establishment. and gradually adjust the stiffness value of each part of the model. eventually make the mechanical properties of the bridge in line with the experimental results.


  4. with this, most fail dismally, without ever coming close to their images of kingmidasand his gold.


midas是什么意思 midas是什么

midas是什么意思 midas是什么

  5. he is a talented young businessman with themidastouch.


  6. mr. wang has themidastouch, everything he does turns to gold.


  上文就关于midas是什么意思 midas是什么的v相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。


