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proven是什么意思 proven是什么

时间:2020-05-06 15:11:02


  proven是什么意思 proven是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么proven是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  proven 基本解释


  动词证明( prove的过去分词 ); 检验,试验

  proven 相关词组

  1.not proven: [法] 证据不足;

  proven 网络解释

proven是什么意思 proven是什么

proven是什么意思 proven是什么

  1. 證實 ):交易完成后,westside最高将获得dawsonseamgas煤层气田100%股权、以及两个毗邻气田许可证50%股权,对应的证实(proven)和概算(probable)天然气储量最高为212千万亿焦耳(petajoules),证实、概算和可能(possible)储量为514千万亿焦耳.

  2. 经标定的:proventerritory 证实的油区 |proven经标定的 |provenance 起源

  3. 已经被确认:drain疏水 |proven已经被确认 | drum汽包

  proven 双语例句

  1. the present study initially put forward that the ****estimation to underestimation of actual flow rates by the flow rates calculated using the hemispheric flow convergence method is due to the gradual change of isovelocity surface area in different zones of the flow convergence region, which wasprovenin our in vitro, animal and human studies.


  2. within 3 years of the recognition of the first aids cases in 1981, the etiologic agent of the syndrome was disc****ed and causalityproven.

  通过对1981年第一例艾滋病近3年的研究认识,综合症的病原学特征基本被弄清楚并得到证实。1985年,第一个 hiv 敏感的专一性抗体检测方法建立。

  3. with shipborne radars limited by the radar horizon, the answer,proventhrough the us navy's pioneering project'cadillac', was to fit a search radar in an airborne early warning aircraft, launched from and rec****ing to an aircraft carrier, which could act as a radar picket positioned'up threat'.


  4. abstract today more and more data haveproventhe close interaction between neuroendorine and immune system neuroendorine modulate immune system by neurofibril transmitting message and neural peptide and hormone etc.

proven是什么意思 proven是什么

proven是什么意思 proven是什么


  5. but despite so much variation, all domestic dogs are part of the same family, canis familiaris,provenby dna analysis to be descendants of canis lupus, the wolf.


  6. it isproventhat the derived operating point from our method is independent of the slack bus selection.


  7. well there you have it, 7 hot andproveninternet marketing solutions.


  8. b! _ to complete this family of ammunition, gau-8/a ammunition offers a low-cost target practice round, pgu-15/b. this design, used for training, has beenprovenin application against light armor.

  t% c x2 c! k:x 作为弹药家族的补充完善,gau-8/a还装备了价格低廉的pgu-15/b目标训练弹,该弹除了作为训练用途外,也具有杀伤软目标的能力。

  上文就关于proven是什么意思 proven是什么的相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。


