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accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么

时间:2020-05-04 09:57:01


  在日常生活交谈中,总能从别人的嘴里听到“accuracy”这个比较高级的词语,当然,这对英文不熟悉的人来说,肯定是不了解的。接下来,小编就来为大家讲解下“accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么”吧!

accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么

accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么

  accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么




  精确; 精度; 准确度

  复数: accuracies 形近词: procuracy accurate abstract accord array

  (精度): 测量结果与目标值之间的差额


  every bank pays close attention to the speed and accuracy of its staff.每家银行都非常关注雇员的工作速度和无差错率。

  the documentary provides an opportunity to verify the accuracy of the various details in these models.纪录片为核实这些模型中各种细节的准确性提供了机会。

  it will be many years before anyone can predict a hurricane's behavior with much accuracy.要能够相当准确地预测出飓风的特性尚需多年。

  convinced by the accuracy of the data, they stuck to their own opinions.由于深信数据准确无误,他们坚持自己的意见。

  to be true to history, allow us to state the true facts.为忠于历史,请允许我们阐述真正的事实。

accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么

accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么

  although the approximate wave function is qualitatively useful, it is seriously lacking in quantitative accuracy.虽然近似的波函数是定性地有用,然而它严重的缺少定量的准确性。

  it is worth pointing out that hydrostatic equilibrium is very precise in the stellar atmosphere.值得强调指出,在恒星大气中,流体静力平衡是非常精确地成立的。

  objective to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of crp for chorioamnionitis in preterm premature rupture of membranes.探讨crp用于未足月胎膜早破的患者绒毛膜羊膜炎的诊断准确性。

  this is a very important case, and it is necessary to make it very accurate.这是一宗很重要的诉讼案,有必要搞得很准确度。

  the high resolution clock and timer provide higher resolution and accuracy.高分辨率时钟和计时器提供了更高的分辨率和准确性。

  by analyzing the real experimental data, it is shown that this method greatly improves the measurement accuracy.通过分析真实的实验数据表明此方法**地改善了测量精度。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“accuracy是什么意思 accuracy是什么”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


