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joy是什么意思 joy是什么

时间:2020-05-04 09:27:01


  相信精通英文的人对“joy”这个词汇是非常了解的,它的解释、用法分为很多种,就看你怎么运用了。那么,接下来,小编就带大家了解下“joy是什么意思 joy是什么”吧!

joy是什么意思 joy是什么

joy是什么意思 joy是什么

  joy是什么意思 joy是什么

  joy,共有8种释义:香水名,英文人名,乐队名,日本模特,泰国女星,单曲,专辑,京东吉祥物和red velvet成员joy。

  1、欢乐,高兴[u]success brought him joy. 成功给他带来喜悦。

  2、乐事;乐趣[c]on a hot day, a cool swim is a joy. 大热天来次凉快的游泳是件乐事。



  there is no end to delving into cooking, which is one of the delights of being a chef.钻研烹饪之道是永无止境的,这也是当厨师的乐趣之一。

  he jumped for joy on being told the news.得知这个消息,他高兴得手舞足蹈。

  if you don't get any joy, get in touch with your local councillor.如果你没得到任何结果,请和本地议员联系。

  it was a joy to see her looking so well.看到她气色这么好真叫人高兴。

joy是什么意思 joy是什么

joy是什么意思 joy是什么

  gregory was still fascinated by shannon's vitality, happiness and beauty.格雷戈里仍为香农的朝气、快乐和美丽着迷。

  the bike soon became his pride and joy.这辆自行车很快就成了他的骄傲。

  they all cried for joy when they heard the news.他们听到这事都高兴得叫了起来。

  she uses music to bring joy to millions of people.她用音乐给无数的人带来欢乐。

  she had given him the only joy his arid life had ever known.她为他枯燥无味的生活带来了从未有过的乐趣。

  tell the news to you, grandpa. call him old and happy, too.快把这消息告诉你爷爷,叫他老人家也高兴高兴。

  what joy, what rapture, what glory to see him again!再见到他是多么高兴、多么欢欣、多么美妙的事啊!

  people's faces were filled with endless joy.人们的脸上洋溢着无尽的欢乐。

  the room was filled with happiness from the bottom of my heart.房间里洋溢着发自内心的快乐。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“joy是什么意思 joy是什么”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


