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pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么

时间:2020-05-03 18:46:01


  pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么呢?这个词汇是不是让大家觉得很熟悉?在学习英文的过程中,大家都了解pupils的词语用法和相关介绍吗?别着急,下面就跟着小编的步伐一起进入下文了解一下吧!

pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么

pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么

  pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么

  1. 瞳孔:** celestial burial | 瞳孔pupils| 土葬 ground burial

  2. 學生/被監護人:votes 選舉/投票 |pupils學生/被監護人 | cinema 電影院/電影

  pupils 双语例句

  1. when you look at a girl you're attracted to, yourpupilsdilate.


  2. women felt that if they used it to dilate theirpupilsthat they would look more sexy and alluring.


  3. sometimes, i feel i need to dilate mypupilsto remain attentive.


  4. in a short time, he had become one of the horsemanship program's starpupils.


pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么

pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么

  5. based on cognitive learning theory and the features of pupil`s psychology and age, this article explores methods of repeating words through the investigation, hoping to he** student teachers and primary english teachers build up the knowledge system on how to getpupilsrepeat english words, expecting them to grasp some skills of vocabulary teaching as well as creating innovative english classroom.


  6. in the same way, a clergyman is bound to instruct hispupilsand his congregation in accordance with the doctrines of the church he serves, for he was employed by it on that condition.


  7. in order to accomplish it successfully, he must have the sympathy and insight that will enable him to trace to their cause the faults and errors manifest in hispupils.


  8. many of the problems are of college level and thesepupilscan figure them out.


  9. of the city's excellent schools: in cerritos high schoo***upilswho speak inadequate english score better in mathematics tests than those who speak english fluently.

  延续 了该城的优秀学校,在喜瑞都高中,英语磕巴的学生在数学上得分比英语流利的同学要高。

  10. the teacher is good at firing up the imagination of hispupils.


  结语:上文是关于pupils是什么意思 pupils是什么的相关介绍,相信大家都有了一定的了解,想要了解更多的词汇解释,请继续关注我们网站内容吧!


