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hll是什么意思 hll是什么

时间:2020-05-03 11:25:02


  hll是什么意思 hll是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么hll是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  hll 基本解释

  abbr.hard lunar landing 月球硬着陆

  hll 网络解释

  1. 高级语言:第二代语言 (2gl) : 汇编语言 (low level language lll)第三代语言 (3gl): 高级语言 (hll)从80年代后期开始,进行了面向对象分析(ooa)、面向对象设计(ood)和面向对象程序设计(oop)等新的系统开发方式模型的研究,

hll是什么意思 hll是什么

hll是什么意思 hll是什么

  2. 高电平逻辑电路:hldlc ==> 高级数据链路控制 |hll==> 高电平逻辑电路 | hlt ==> 停止

  3. 船长洪流:船长大: -cz 60 | 船长洪流:-hll60 | 剑圣大: -js 500

  4. 华丽丽:pia--拍(就是打的时候的那个声音) |hll--华丽丽 | ylq--娱乐圈

  5.hll:higher-level language; 高级语言

  6.hll:half – loop loss; 半环损耗

  7.hll:high level logic; 高电平逻辑(电路)

  hll 双语例句

  1. i don`t know if he is the fastest keyboarder in the world, but i`d like to think so, at least i have never heard a faster one.

  话说我一直潜意识里觉得tobi是k神的拥趸,k神是t叔的soul mate,tobi又是t叔的粉丝所以这是一个铁三角关系,没想到j叔竟然横插一腿啊,这让本来就成天yy他和t叔爱恨情仇的我不得不面对一个hll的四角关系。

  2. extracted and purified nativehllof cultivating l4 larvae and adult h. contortus from natural infection, and analyzed enzymatic activity of aminopeptidase.


  3. an object - oriented application generator oo -hll

hll是什么意思 hll是什么

hll是什么意思 hll是什么


  4. oo-hllis an oracle application software development tool designed by us, which defines the user requirment using object-oriented mode and problem-oriented non - procedural mode of fourth generation language and generates pro c program which may embed sol statements into c program.


  5. the paper discusses the data structure of autocad's graphics, and presents one technique and method which could be used to convert the graphics of autocad intohllsource.


  6. epratuzumab is a humanized ll2 (hll2) monoclonal antibody. in phase i/ii trial of the treatment of mantle cell lymphoma, epratuzumab didn't develope hama with the effective power of 18%.


  7. this paper introduces the essential ideals, software architecture, working flow, method of class and object definition of oo-hll. finally, the architecture and the techniques of syntax and semantic analysis of oo-hllcompiler which is the kernel part of oo-hllare discussed.


  上文就关于hll是什么意思 hll是什么的相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。


