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intact是什么意思 intact是什么

时间:2020-05-03 10:25:02


  在日常生活交谈中,总能从别人的嘴里听到“intact”这个比较高级的词语,当然,这对英文不熟悉的人来说,肯定是不了解的。接下来,小编就来为大家讲解下“intact是什么意思 intact是什么”吧!

intact是什么意思 intact是什么

intact是什么意思 intact是什么

  intact是什么意思 intact是什么




  most of the goods were in good condition after the explosion.大部分货物在爆炸发生后都完好无损。

  if the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.如**庭仍然完整,病人常常恢复得很好。

  many precious historical relics have been completely preserved.许多珍贵的历史文物完整地保存了下来。

  after the explosion, nothing was complete of the walls and vaults.爆炸之后,墙壁与拱顶没有什么是完整的了。

intact是什么意思 intact是什么

intact是什么意思 intact是什么

  when it came back and he tested it, it was still intact.当它回来了,他测试它,它仍然完好无损。

  components must be inspected to make sure they are in good condition.必须对部件进行检查,以确保它们完好无损。

  the church was destroyed in the bombing, but the altar survived in good condition.教堂在轰炸中被毁坏了,但神坛却完好无损地幸免于难。

  he found fossils with fairly well preserved blood vessels and soft tissue, but never found complete dna.他发现的化石具有保存相当完整的血管和软组织,但从未发现完整的dna。

  the results of histological and cellular studies show no trauma to no cell bodies of starfish in existence.组织和细胞水平研究结果显示,未创伤的成体罗氏海盘车腕中无干细胞的存在。

  all you have to do is leave the full c**** when the splint attaches importance to.所有你需要做的就是离开了完整的封面时,夹板重视。

  but in the full brain, ongoing network activity can seriously affect these features.但在完整的脑,进行中的的网络活动可能会严重影响这些特征。

  an idiot can inherit millions, and can complete all the property preservation trust fund.笨蛋可以承继百万家财,和信托基金可以完整保存全部财产。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“intact是什么意思 intact是什么”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


