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围脖是什么意思 围脖是什么

时间:2020-05-03 08:28:01


  围脖是什么意思 围脖是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么围脖是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  围脖 基本解释




  围脖 网络解释

围脖是什么意思 围脖是什么

围脖是什么意思 围脖是什么

  1. neck warmers:hat -- 帽子 | neck warmers --围脖| 6 x walking boots -- 便鞋

  2. scarf:34.gloves 手套 | 35.scarf围脖| 36.winter冬天

  3. bib:tuck 塞进 | bib围脖| insert 插入

  围脖 双语例句

  1. 我就想写这首歌送给他作为一个礼物,他也把他那条有彩色斑点的大围脖回赠给了我。

  so this song was written for one of the men who was teaching the boys how to do painting.

  2. 我们需要围脖和手套。

  amy: we will need a scarf and gloves.

  3. 是我的围脖,刚开,试试,还没有决定写。

  when she plays, her hair is flicking with breeze...

  4. 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配。

  the fox goes very well with your cap.

  5. 她的白色围脖不小心掉在了地上,露出粘粘的乱发。

围脖是什么意思 围脖是什么

围脖是什么意思 围脖是什么

  soon her boa is on the floor and her hair is mussed and sticky.

  6. 她身穿玄青粗呢袍,袖子宽而短,领口里露出一条雪白的围脖,一根绿带子拦腰束住一条红绿方块花纹的棉布围裙,外加一块同样布料的胸巾,用别针扣住上面的两只角,脚上穿双马赛妇女穿的那种大鞋和黄袜。

  madame magloire wore a white quilted cap, a gold jeannette cross on a velvet ribbon upon her neck, the only bit of feminine jewelry that there was in the house, a very white fichu puffing out from a gown of coarse black woollen stuff, with large, short sleeves, an apron of cotton cloth in red and green checks, knotted round the waist with a green ribbon, with a stomacher of the same attached by two pins at the upper corners, coarse shoes on her feet, and yellow stockings, like the women of marseilles.

  7. 许多边境也有阴阳脸或全白脸,这通常是白色围脖的扩展。

  many border collies have either a half-white or whole white face, usually blending into the broad white collar.

  8. 这张照片里她在看pb收藏品-一位削瘦的模特正在展示一件绝妙的黑色塔夫塔晚装斗篷,斗篷从肩膀拖到地板,脖子上还有一个带有白色蕾丝的围脖。

  here she is looking at the collection of pierre balmain - a slim mannequin showing a dramatic black taffeta evening cape that sweeps from shoulder to floor with a tiny white lace ruff tying around the neck.

  9. 布鲁克林的一位工艺老师很勉强的证实他靠教授失业者如何制造围脖获得了报酬。

  a brooklyn crafts teacher reluctantly testified that he was paid to show the jobless how to make boon doggles.

  10. 整体来看,长度多变,略厚、略长的围脖环绕着颈部,胸腔和肩部。

 *****-all length varies, with slightly thicker and longer ruff around the neck, chest and on the shoulders.

  11. 在中国,至少有1.8亿个活跃的博客,类似于推特的微博在去年也达到高峰,冒出了多个站点,它们都是中文的,例如围脖。

  there are roughly 180 million active blogs in china, and micro-blogging a la twitter hit the big time last year, with multiple sites cropping up -- all of them chinese, such as weibo.

  上文就关于围脖是什么意思 围脖是什么的相关解答,如果你在工作中或者生活中遇到一些不懂的英语或者网络新词就登陆我们网站来查阅吧!


