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红白喜事是什么意思 红白喜事是什么

时间:2020-05-02 19:40:02


  红白喜事是什么意思 红白喜事是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么红白喜事是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  红白喜事 基本解释

  红白喜事[hóng bái xǐ shì]

  词典wear red or white, that is, at weddings or funerals

  红白喜事 汉英大词典

  红白喜事[hóng bái xǐ shì]

红白喜事是什么意思 红白喜事是什么

红白喜事是什么意思 红白喜事是什么

  wear red or white, that is, at weddings or funerals

  红白喜事 网络解释

  1. weddings and funerals:16. 黄土高原:loess plateau | 17.红白喜事:weddings and funerals | 18. 中秋节:mid-autumn day

  2. weddings or funerals:轰动一时 a big hit of the season |红白喜事weddings or funerals | 红包 red paper packet of cash as a gift / bribe / kickback

  3. wedding and funenals:24 he has a large family他的子女很多 | 25 wedding and funenals红白喜事| 26 she is family way.她怀孕了.

  红白喜事 双语例句

  1. 婚丧嫁娶、盖房造屋,以及小孩满月、周岁等红白喜事,都要置席痛饮。

  weddings marriage, build a house build houses, as well as one month old child, the age, such as weddings and funerals, i have to buy swig.

  2. 在古代的中国乡村,有两个重要的公共场所,一个是戏台,一个是家庙,一个就是演戏唱戏的地方,一个是供放祖先牌位的地方,甚至老百姓的红白喜事都离不开戏剧,所以中国的戏剧是浓烈的、充满戏剧性、大悲大喜的、又是世俗的。

  in chinese antiquity country, had two important public, one is drama stage, the other is family shrine, one place is use of acting, the other is use of offering ancestral memorial tablet, even common people`s weddings and funerals cannot leave the drama, so that the chinese drama is strong、full of histrionic、sorrowful and exultancy、mundane.

  3. 在古代的中国乡村,有两个重要的公共场所,一个是戏台,一个是家庙,一个就是演戏唱戏的地方,一个是供放祖先牌位的地方,甚至老百姓的红白喜事都离不开戏剧,所以中国的戏剧是浓烈的、充满戏剧性、大悲大喜的、又是世俗的。

  in chinese antiquity country, had two important public, one is drama stage, the other is family shrine, one place is use of acting, the other is use of offering ancestral memorial tablet, even common people`s weddings and funerals ca ot leave the drama, so that the chinese drama is strong、full of histrionic、sorrowful and exultancy、mundane.

红白喜事是什么意思 红白喜事是什么

红白喜事是什么意思 红白喜事是什么

  4. 在古代的中国乡村,有两个重要的公共场所,一个是戏台,一个是家庙,一个就是演戏唱戏的地方,一个是供放祖先牌位的地方,甚至老百姓的红白喜事都离不开戏剧,所以中国的戏剧是浓烈的、充满戏剧性、大悲大喜的、又是世俗的。

  in chinese antiquity country, had two important public, one is drama st age, the other is family shrine, one place is use of acting, the other is use of offering ancestral memorial tablet, even common people's weddings and funerals cannot leave the drama, so that the chinese drama is strong、full of histrionic、sorrowful and exultancy、mundane.

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