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供认不讳什么意思 供认不讳是什么

时间:2020-05-02 18:52:01


  供认不讳什么意思 供认不讳是什么么?成语是我们展示文化水平的一种方式,但是很多成语我们都可能未必知道它的意思,那么供认不讳是什么意思?今天我们就给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。




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供认不讳什么意思 供认不讳是什么

供认不讳什么意思 供认不讳是什么




  出自:王朔 《一半是火焰,一半是海水》:“我对所犯犯罪事实均供认不讳。”


  供认不讳 双语例句

  1. 刘某与其丈夫叶某对所有犯罪事实供认不讳。

  liu mou and its husband xie mou are admitted to all crime fact.

  2. 经预审,违法人员张某对自己销售计算机木马程序的行为供认不讳。

  the pre-trial, the law on their own sales staff zhang computer trojan confessed to the act.

  3. 这名男子现年44岁,他曾在一天之内用手机拨打查号台的电话多达905次,他对于自己妨碍ntt正常业务的行为供认不讳。

  the 44-year-old has admitted to allegations of obstructing the operations of nippon telegraph and telephone corp. by making up to 905 calls a day from his mobile phone.

  4. 小坤和小东被抓后,对自己连续行抢的事实供认不讳。

供认不讳什么意思 供认不讳是什么

供认不讳什么意思 供认不讳是什么

  small female after he xiaodong is caught, the fact that grabs all right continuously to oneself is admitted.

  5. 去年孟买恐怖袭击案的首要嫌疑犯,巴基斯坦人****·安击蒙·卡萨布,在法庭上**自己早些的辩护,对自己参与的**供认不讳,并说,他已准备好接受绞刑。

  the chief suspect in last year`s mumbai bombings, muhammad ajmal qasab, a pakistani citizen, reversed an earlier plea, confessed his involvement in the atrocity, pleaded guilty in court and said he was ready to be hanged.

  6. 警方表明乃尔已对他的犯罪事实供认不讳,但除此之外,什么也没说。

  police said neil had confirmed his identity to investigators but said nothing else.

  7. 里尼也躲不过牢狱之灾。她对吸毒驾驶的罪行供认不讳。

  nicole richie pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of the drugs.

  8. 庭审过程中,4名被告人对犯罪事实供认不讳,表示上述洗发水和沐浴露大部分销往北京一些小商品批发市场。

  the four defendants pled guilty at the trial and told the court that most of their counterfeit products were sold to budget merchandise marts in beijing.

  9. 我最爱的教授之一是一位自己都供认不讳的撒谎大王。

  one of my favorite professors in college was a self-confessed liar.

  10. 他对自己的犯罪事实供认不讳。

  he is admitted to his guilty fact.

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