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典雅什么意思 典雅是什么

时间:2020-05-02 12:55:01


  典雅什么意思 典雅是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么典雅是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  典雅 基本解释

  典雅[diǎn yǎ]




典雅什么意思 典雅是什么

典雅什么意思 典雅是什么

  典雅 汉英大词典

  典雅[diǎn yǎ]

  (of diction, etc.) refined; elegant:


  refined in manners

  典雅 网络解释

  1. leganza:该厂拥有由机器人操作的自动焊接等世界一流设备. 大宇汽车公司总部设在韩国汉城,主要产品以轿车和货车为主. 大宇轿车近年新产品主要以蓝龙(lanos)、典雅(leganza)、旅行家(nubira)和微型车马蒂兹(matiz)等数款车型为主.

  2. grace:hope 希望 | grace典雅| rainbow 彩虹

  典雅 双语例句

  1. 它无法称典雅,并且这不是您会运载一件无尾礼服背心或会放下充满自豪感在toniest 雪茄酒吧的类型片断,但它对更加偶然的周围是完善。

  it can't be called elegant, and it isn't the type of piece you would carry in a tuxedo vest or put down with pride in the toniest of cigar bars, but it's perfect for more casual surroundings.

  2. 由名家设计的371间精制典雅的客房,除揉合中国的诗情与西方的浪漫外,更融入广西壮族的雅竹风采,为乐满地增添不少的视觉飨宴,充分传达乐满地兼容并蓄的文化特质。

  designed by the famous 371 rooms of refined elegance, with the exception of china's blend of romantic poetry and the west, but also into the guangxi zhuang accor style bamboo for musicians all **** the floor to add a lot of visual feast, and fully convey shopthrupost and inclusive culture.

典雅什么意思 典雅是什么

典雅什么意思 典雅是什么

  3. 社旗山陕会馆是一座清代木结构仿皇宫式建筑群,坐落在河南省南阳市社旗县城中心。它坐北朝南,总占地10885.29平方米,是全国重点文物保护单位。它集皇宫、庙宇、民居、园林建筑艺术的特点,既雄伟壮观、雍容华贵,又玲珑秀丽,典雅有致。

  the commercial culture of this provincial guild can be summed up in 4 words:honesty, the core of the commercial culture; binding, which means keeping oneself within the bounds of rules and is also the foundation of the culture; righteousness, i. e, to be loyal; competition which advocates fair competition and opposes illicit competition.

  4. 孤线形阳台、典雅通透的围栏,古色古香的灯饰,凝重坚实的停车库门眉,无处不体现出建筑与设计的细腻与精致。

  according bar balcony, elegant playing fence, antique style lighting, imposing a solid parking vast eyes, the ubiquitous *******ion of the delicate and refined construction and design.

  5. 风格现代而不失传统、古朴典雅更显雍荣华贵,是不可多得的纯天然环保室内装饰精品。

  traditional yet modern style, more flavor ronghua yong you, are a rare natural green interior decoration products.

  6. 没有落地的观景窗;没有明快的色彩;没有典雅的廊柱。

  no landing of the vi****g windows; no definite colors; no elegant pillars.

  7. 酒店拥有中餐厅和西餐厅各一个,粤海轩中餐厅主营纯正粤菜,拥有11间华贵典雅的豪华包房,最大的包房牡丹厅能容纳22人同桌用餐;28楼粤海璇宫西餐厅是目前郑州唯一的旋转餐厅,您可在享用美食的同时将商都美景尽收眼底,享受独一无二的美妙体验。

  hotel possesses a chinese restaurant and a western restaurant, gdh origin restaurant is specialized in cantonese cuisine, possesses 11 private vip, and the biggest dinning room can accommodate 22 people at the same time, all of which will cater for your guest of a luxurious dining experienced, the unique domestic biggest revolving restaurant in zhengzhou is on the 28th floor with romantic atmosphere.

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