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cycle start是什么意思 cycle start例句

时间:2020-05-01 22:02:02


  现在全球化,掌握英语这门外语非常重要,掌握英语可以和外国人正常的沟通,方便你的日常工作或者偶尔出国旅行等等。那么,cycle start是什么意思?下面小编来为大家解答,希望对大家有帮助。

  cycle start是什么意思

  cycle start是什么意思

  cycle start是什么意思


  1. 三项埋入式电极盐浴炉采用盐类作加热剂,根据不同的工作温度,可选用不同成份的盐或混合盐,盐在熔化前是不导电的,因此盐浴炉使用时必须使用起动电极溶化,由于电流通过导电的溶盐不断产生热量,故可保持溶化状态,因电极在电磁力的作用下,通过自然对流和电磁搅拌而使熔盐不断循环,故可迅速和均匀的加热工件。

  three items bury the type electrode salt bath to use the salts to make the heating agent, according to the different operating temperature, may select the different ingredient the salt or the compound salt, the salt before the melting not the electric conduction, therefore the salt bath uses time must use the starting electrode to dissolve, because the electric current dissolves the salt through the electric conduction to have the quantity of heat unceasingly, therefore may maintain the dissolve condition, because of the electrode under the electromagnetic force function, causes the fused salt through the natural convection and the electromagnetism agitation to circulate unceasingly, therefore may rapid and the even heating work piece.

  2. 压射回路采用宇部独有的单活塞循环油路,采用出口截流、压射活塞平稳起动,可将铝水中的空气卷入降到最低值。

  loop injection using a unique single-ube piston cycle circuit, using the export closure, a smooth start-up injection piston, aluminum can be involved in the water to a minimum value of the air.

  cycle start是什么意思

  cycle start是什么意思

  cycle start例句


  the electronic throttle developed is installed on the hybrid electric vehicle to conduct vehicle starting test and multi-mode cycle test.


  by means of transient combustion measurement methods and cambustion transient emission equipments based on cycle-by-cycle, the transient combustion and emission characteristics and the controls strategies during engine start process with various cranking speed were investigated.


  initiates an automatic cycle or a momentary contact switch that can be locked in the on position by a mechanical feature.

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